incompatible meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
incompatible meaning in tamil is ஒத்துவராமை

incompatible meaning in tamil with example

incompatible tamil meaning and more example for incompatible will be given in tamil.
The mouthpiece also quoted the ULFA chief Paresh Barua describing the safe passage offer as childish immature and incompatible with the objective reality. Nobody with a sound mental health need any safe passage to hisher motherland the ULFA chief said. Urgent attention is required to secure the environmental hotspots where tigers are at high risk today from poaching habitat loss and pressure from incompatible human activity. Mulayam Singh himself is clearly troubled by the charge that the SP has lost sight of its original goals that the glamour quotient in the party has reached levels incompatible with its backward caste backward class orientation. It will be extremely shortsighted to continue with the policy of entrusting wildlife protection to an overburdened MoEF that is pursuing diverse and incompatible objectives including sanctioning of permits to exploit forests for gain. The court ruled that it was incompatible with human rights law as it did not apply to those who wanted to marry within the Church of England. Since 1948 a period of expansion commenced and this was inevitable since the economics of a small College were incompatible with the needs of the situation. But it gains an emotional tone once it sets out to understand incompatible social and family customs traditions and values practised in India and in the U.S. and the common human qualities rising above geographical contours. The housing complex which is expected to come up on the 28acre plot belonging to the erstwhile Ideal Jawa Motorcycle factory in Yadavagiri area also seems incompatible with the citys heritage status.